Parking in Hoboken is always a challenge, and unless you've lived here for a long time it's difficult to understand all the parking rules.
Metered Parking
Meter |
Over the years metered parking has changed, gone up in price, and expanded to different areas of town. Gone are the little coin meters and in are the more sophisticated meters similar to the ones you see in NYC.
Currently, meters are enforced Monday - Saturday and the rate is $0.25 per 15 minutes and a two hour limit.
Be careful and double check to see if your street has metered parking.
Parking Boot |
Street Parking
If you do not have a Hoboken resident sticker you may park on a street with no meter, however
you can only park on the side of the street that is not resident only parking.
This is how many people get boots!! And trust me you do not want a boot..
The white sign with
green letters is the only street you can park on, and there is a four hour limit. This limit, is
Fox news recently reported how many visitors are getting hit with fine's and boots for not knowing this, but the signs are still not clear and do not say that the limit is city wide.)
Residential Parking Sign |
The green sign with
white letters, is for residents with a resident parking decal
The city is
quick, and well equipped to monitor the streets with scanning technology that notifies them when someone is parked past 4 hours or if a vehicle does not have a permit sticker.
Visitor Parking
You can obtain a temporary or visitor parking pass from the parking authority located inside City Hall for friends and family, or for yourself if you live in Hoboken and cannot obtain a residential parking decal. For more info on temporary passes
click here.
Parking Sticker Decals
In order to qualify for a residential parking sticker you must meet the following criteria:
- Hoboken address, proof of address required
- Hoboken address must appear on your driver's license
- Hoboken address must also appear on your car insurance &
- Must appear on your registration. (Although if vehicle is leased you might be ok as long as the address appears on all other documentation)
You also have to watch out for street sweeping times, zip cars and hertz connect corner cars - marked spaces, handicap spots, and don't park close to a fire hydrant or too close to the cross walks!
There are many parking garages around town, and it's sometimes best to not have to worry about getting an expensive ticket.
While parking is difficult don't let it keep you from moving here. Any local will tell you they love it, deal with it, and I have had many a client get rid of their cars. After all, it is a city with amazing transportation options so you really don't need a car. Hoboken was ranked #1 'most walkable city' and #1 for 'public transportation' so take advantage! **
* US Census