Looking for something different to do this weekend?
The Hoboken Arts and Music Festival - Sunday September 30th 2012
Where: Washington Street strip from Observer Highway up to 7th Street
When: Sunday September 30th, 11a.m. to 6PM
Who: Lots of local vendors including restaurants, artists, crafts and musicians
What: Besides all of the tents and tables that will be set up, make sure to check out nearly a dozen bands!
Why: Help support local businesses and artists and make some new friends
Learn More at http://www.hobokennj.org/2012/09/hoboken-to-host-fall-arts-music-festival-2/
Bark in The Park - Saturday September 29th 2012
Where: Church Square Park Between 4th and 5th Streets, Garden St, Park Ave and Willow Ave.When: Saturday September 29th, from Noon to 5PM
Who: The Liberty Humane Society
What: A walk and a doggy fashion show with the shelter animals sporting doggy couture donated by supporters!
Why: A Fundraiser to help raise money and support the sheltering of animals that aren't adopted within 7 days.
Learn More at http://libertyhumane.org/dogwalk.php
Go, Dog. GO! - Saturday and Sunday
Where: Mile Square Theatre 720 Monroe St 2nd Floor
When: Saturday Sept 29th 2PM and 5PM and Sunday September 30th, 11am and 3PM
Who: The Miles Square Theatre performers and... dogs
What: A show with a "mix of movement, music, and ... dogs"
Why: Proceeds benefit the Hoboken Charter School'
Learn more at http://www.milesquaretheatre.org
Photo Walking Tour Of Hoboken
Where: Starting at The Neumann Building, 300 Observer Highway, 4th floorWhen: Saturday September 29th, bright and early at 9a.m.
Who: Hoboken photographer Jean-Paul Picard
What: A walking tour highlighting differeent photography techniques and professional tips
Why: You spent $1000 on a Canon you've been dying to use
For more information and to register contact Jody Zulueta at (201) 780-7952
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