Continuing with my Selling Your Real Estate series, here is Tip #2
2. Clean Out the Clutter Before You Start to Sell
Take a deep breath because this next tip is difficult for most home owners, BUT - Before putting your home on the market, get rid of clutter in every area -- closets, book cases, kitchen cabinets, drawers, bath vanities, shelves -- everywhere. Remember, this is no time to be sentimental: if you don't use it, lose it. Potential buyers are seriously put off by clutter, and most of us drag a lot more things through life than we really need.
Also, don't forget the furniture and fixtures when getting rid of clutter -- most of us put too much in too little space, which makes a buying prospect, think your home is too small! If you have furniture that you combined when moving in with a significant other or roomate, get rid of it. Find a friend or family member that can hold it for you until you close.
Or, have a great moving sale with all the stuff you've collected and use the proceeds for paint and caulking, or whatever other materials you need for repair projects. If you just can't bear to part with some possessions, store them in the basement or some other place that's out of sight to a potential buyer, like a storage closet.

This is not to be taken lightly. This is probably the number one thing I go through with my sellers when getting their home ready for market, this is also where my sellers spend most of their time and energy! Decluttering everywhere literally means everywhere! Start with your kitchen. Common culprits are kitchen cabinets, drawers and even your counters. Buyers will open the cabinets and drawers, and you don't want to have them stuffed. This is a trick that stagers use all the time.
Remove items to show the buyer that their new set of plates, or the china set they have their eye on, will fit perfectly in these spacious cabinets!

The kitchen counters are another area in which we keep too much stuff. In this area you should not have more two or three items max. For example, a coffee maker, a utensil holder and a vase of fresh flowers.. that's it. Or, a toaster (if it doesn't take up too much space, and it looks brand new), a spice rack and a vase of fresh flowers - getting the idea??

Don't overlook the closets - every closet - linen, coat, bedroom closets you name it.
The idea is give the illusion of space so that the next potential buyer can see themselves in your home with their stuff.
Remember my acronym on the first post? O.C.D. Odors, Clutter, Dirt.
If you take the time to do it right, you will benefit. Think that for every item you declutter, you'll put a dollar in your pocket.
A great show you can watch is HGTV's "Sell This House". If you notice, the host spends time decluttering and depersonalizing spaces so that they are more neutral. You can gain great advice from the show.
Thanks for a great post! I will start right away!