
From the lowest sold price of $213,500 for a 610 square foot one bedroom at 254.5 9th street with a list price of $214,500, to the highest sold price of $950,000 for a 4 bedroom 3.5 bath town home featuring 5 floors and a list price of $1.025M
The Median List Price for the month was $444,499 and the Median Sold Price was $431,000. The Median Days On Market was 40 days.
Compared with March's Median List Price of $422,000 and Sale Price of $411,500. The Median Days On Market for March was 75 days.
This same month DTJC saw a total of 41 units change their status to Pending. Also up from March. From the lowest asking price of $199,000 for a 520 square foot studio at Dixon Mills 186 Wayne street, to the highest asking price of $799,000 for a 1185 square foot two bedroom two bath at Hamilton Square 232 Pavonia Ave.
The Median List Price for those units pending was $395,000 The Median Days on Market was just 38 days.
Compared with March which saw a total of 35 units pending and 49 Median Days on Market
March real estate report
Search downtown Jersey City real estate for an update on homes available for sale.
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